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March 17, 2023

Keep Your Money Safe: Tips for Protecting Your Investments during Bank Runs and Market Instability

TLDR: take any cash in bank accounts above deposit insurance (typically, $250K for the US institutions) and spread it across multiple institutions or park it in safe, short-term securities (not because there is impending doom, but because it is the prudent thing to do). Brokerage and retirement accounts are largely fine but use reputable institutions and don’t hold excess unallocated cash.

January 31, 2023

New Year, New Opportunities: A Checklist for Investors to Review and Improve Their Portfolio

The start of a new year is an excellent time for investors to review their financial goals and ensure they're on track to achieve them. Here are ten things investors should consider doing as we enter 2023:

December 1, 2022

Tax-loss Harvesting: How a Few Trades Now Could Save You Thousands of Dollars

One of the biggest mistakes self-directed investors make is not taking advantage of tax-loss harvesting, which involves offsetting gains with holdings that have incurred losses. For many investors they’re leaving money on the table if they don’t know how to optimize their tax bill.

November 8, 2022

What can we learn from recent hedge fund performance?

Every couple of years, when markets overall perform well, one starts to hear about the death of hedge funds. Investors who ‘no longer see the value’ either pull money out in droves or at least negotiate better terms, and the popular press decrees the end of an era. However, if you look under the hood right now, you’ll see that some funds are thriving. What sets them apart, and what can we learn from their performance?

October 20, 2022

Hybrid Investing: A Fresh Take on Portfolio Management for Retail Investors

Over the past several decades, conventional wisdom that investors could not beat an efficient market led to the rise of index mutual funds and then the boom of ETFs, and newer offerings such as robo-advisors have made constructing passive portfolios even easier and more tax-efficient; however, our view is that strict passivity leaves personalization and better returns on the table.

October 19, 2022

Active and Passive Investing: Is there an alternative for self-directed investors?

There’s an allure to hand-picking stocks with the hopes of finding the next big one. No thanks to the financial media, there is a fear of missing out – but the simple truth is that it’s very difficult to outperform the market. Even actively managed funds struggle to do so.

September 22, 2022

How to Invest During High Inflation

As an investor, you should understand how inflation — and the surrounding economic regime — can impact your investments in order to manage your portfolio. Inflation-linked bonds, commodities, certain equities, and real estate are reasonable candidates to do well in many inflationary environments.

April 1, 2022

Lessons Learned from “COVID Economics” and the Path Forward for Investors

Two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, investors continue to grapple with the challenges it has borne upon the global economy. How did we get here, how do we understand the current situation, and what should investors do in response?

March 29, 2022

Evaluating Risk Like a Hedge Fund Manager

Three lessons from a hedge fund manager on how they evaluate and optimize risk in their portfolios, and a link to the "5 Secrets to thinking like a hedge fund manager"

December 29, 2021

Managing your finances in 2022 with Global Predictions: tips for the New Year

5 ways you can start 2022 on good financial footing using the PortfolioPilot to help control your investments and financial health

February 21, 2021

Why broken socio-economic forecasting needs an overhaul

2020 was a year of unprecedented events, from the Australian wildfires which began the year to the COVID-19 pandemic which consumed most of it. Some of these events were predicted well in advance and represented intensifications of existing trends, particularly those concerning environmental disasters resulting from climate change. Others, however, were seen as “unpredictable” and defying of conventional wisdom pushed through official channels of expertise. To name but a few, the continued rise of the stock market, the increased pace of housing starts and sales despite the pandemic, and the so-called “K-shaped” economic recovery coming from it, went against the expectations of many institutional actors, suggesting a disconnect between institutional predictive analysis and what’s actually happening in the world...

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This website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer of investment management or investment advisory services by Global Predictions, Inc. (“Global Predictions”), and may not be relied upon in connection with any offer or sale of securities or other assets. Nothing on the website is intended to be, and you should not consider anything on the website to be, investment, accounting, tax or legal advice.

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