
Tutorial: AI Assistant

January 7, 2024

Note: Specific investments described herein do not represent investment decisions made by Global Predictions. Specific securities or forecasts referenced or displayed in graphics provided herein are for illustrative purposes only. Though care is taken by Global Predictions to validate these systems, they carry risks along the lines of misspecification, inaccurate information, conflicts of interest, and others that users should be aware of. This feature is provided as a convenience and all outputs should be validated either elsewhere in the platform (where the same API calls are used), in the referenced articles, or via 3rd party sources in the case of general knowledge, before making any investment decisions. Read more about the Use of Artificial Intelligence here.

If you're eager to optimize your investment strategy and make the most of your PortfolioPilot experience, this tutorial will show you how to use one of our core AI Features. Using PortfolioPilot's AI Assistant, you can access portfolio insights, ask specific security questions as part of your research, answer investing questions, and learn more about using PortfolioPilot all from one place.

Note that the AI Assistant is only available to Gold or Platinum subscribers (both available with a 2-week free trial).

Getting Started with the AI Assistant

Access the AI Assistant:
  • Find the AI Assistant tab at the top of the PortfolioPilot page.
  • Begin by reviewing the [important disclosures], focusing on the Accuracy of Information and Use of AI sections.
  • Type in the question that you’d like answered and hit submit, that’s it!

Note: because we use large-language models combined with our own database, calculations, and APIs, you can use normal language to chat with the AI Assistant, and expect timely market information, pre-processed data, and insights including your own portfolio context and preferences.

Example Use Cases: Getting the Most out of the AI Assistant

Portfolio Analysis

Check Your Portfolio Score:

  • “What is my Portfolio Score?”
  • “What is the worst part of my Portfolio Score?”

Receive Personalized Recommendations:

  • “Can I get some recommendations to improve my portfolio?”
  • “Where should I put my next $1,000 to invest?”

Get Summary Stats:

  • “Total expected returns?”
  • “What about my yearly dividend returns?”

Enhancing Investment Knowledge

Ask for Educational Content:

  • “Explain dollar-cost averaging.”
  • “Explain to me like I’m 5 the concept of dividends.”

Follow Up on Specific Recommendations:

  • “What do you mean by TIPS?”

Do research

Research Specific Securities:

  • “Show me the latest news for Tesla.”
  • “What is the beta of WMT?”
  • “Price of VOO?”

Search Through Categories:

  • “What are the top 5 highest expected returning energy stocks?”
  • “What are some low-cost gold ETFs?”

Product-specific Questions


  • “How do I connect a new account?”
  • “Where can I update my risk profile?”

Underlying Technology:

  • “What data does Global Predictions use?”
  • “How are the models built?“

To see what PortfolioPilot can do for you and your portfolio, sign up for free today

Premium plans start at $29/mo

General Disclosures
This website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer of investment management or investment advisory services by Global Predictions, Inc. (“Global Predictions”), and may not be relied upon in connection with any offer or sale of securities or other assets. Nothing on the website is intended to be, and you should not consider anything on the website to be, investment, accounting, tax or legal advice.

The contents of the website may contain forward-looking statements that are based on management’s beliefs, assumptions, current expectations, estimates, and projections about the financial industry, the economy, Global Predictions itself or its investments. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of the underlying expected actions or future performance and future results may differ significantly from those anticipated by the forward-looking statements. Therefore, actual results and outcomes may materially differ from what may be expressed or forecasted in such forward-looking statements. All expressions of opinions are subject to change without notice. Inherent in any investment is the risk of loss. Further, past performance is not indicative of future results.

Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training.