
Tutorial: Draft Portfolio

September 1, 2022

Note: Specific investments described herein do not represent all investment decisions made by Global Predictions. The reader should not assume that investment decisions identified and discussed were or will be profitable. Specific investment advice references provided herein are for illustrative purposes only and are not necessarily representative of investments that will be made in the future.

Here is a short tutorial on how to use the Draft Portfolio feature, happy investing!

Why use Drafts?

We built the Draft Portfolio feature so that you could easily and safely:

  • Have a sandbox environment to build a better portfolio
  • Experiment with different ways to invest your money (e.g. online opinions, changes in markets)
  • Accept PortfolioPilot recommendations and run the Portfolio Optimizer
  • Compare various portfolio strategies
  • Create an Order Execution List (list of trades to make in order to get to the new Draft Portfolio)

Creating a Draft Portfolio (using Copy)

The simplest way to create a Draft Portfolio is to use the Quick Actions icon bar and press "Copy" from your Net Worth Portfolio or another Asset Group. It will ask you to name the new Draft Portfolio, putting you in Draft Mode, a sandbox environment where you can make any changes to your portfolio.

Press the "Copy" icon in the Quick Actions bar

Choose a name for your new Draft Portfolio

Draft mode, a sandbox environment for you to try out new portfolio configurations

Tip: When the background is purple you are in Draft Mode!

Creating a Draft Portfolio (from Recommendations)

Another way to create a Draft Portfolio is directly from the Recommendations page. As you see Recommendations that you're thinking about applying to your own portfolio, you can simply click "Add to Draft". A pop-up will appear asking you to create a new Draft Portfolio or add the recommendation to an existing Draft Portfolio. After switching into Draft Mode, you can add any number of recommendations, run the Portfolio Optimizer, or add/remove your own securities.

Click on "Reduce from draft" on the Recommendations page

Choose an existing Draft Portfolio or create a new one

Remove the selected security from your new Draft Portfolio

Tip: you can create an unlimited amount of Draft Portfolios, reset your Draft Portfolio back to your current portfolio, or edit your Draft Portfolio anytime!

Draft Portfolio Management

You can see and edit all your draft portfolios in the Draft portfolios page, found from the Net Worth page.

Order Execution List

Once you are happy with your new Draft Portfolio and are ready to make some trades, use the Order Execution List tool. Click on the "Get order" icon in the Quick Actions bar. The tool compares your current portfolio to your Draft Portfolio and pulls together a convenient list of trades to execute. Use the links to your brokerages to make your trades, or send the list to your email to execute when markets open tomorrow.

Click "Get order" in the Quick Actions menu to pull up the Order Execution List

The Order Execution List is a list of trades to make to bring your portfolio up to date with your selected Draft Portfolio

To see what PortfolioPilot can do for you and your portfolio, sign up for free today

Premium plans start at $29/mo

General Disclosures
This website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer of investment management or investment advisory services by Global Predictions, Inc. (“Global Predictions”), and may not be relied upon in connection with any offer or sale of securities or other assets. Nothing on the website is intended to be, and you should not consider anything on the website to be, investment, accounting, tax or legal advice.

The contents of the website may contain forward-looking statements that are based on management’s beliefs, assumptions, current expectations, estimates, and projections about the financial industry, the economy, Global Predictions itself or its investments. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of the underlying expected actions or future performance and future results may differ significantly from those anticipated by the forward-looking statements. Therefore, actual results and outcomes may materially differ from what may be expressed or forecasted in such forward-looking statements. All expressions of opinions are subject to change without notice. Inherent in any investment is the risk of loss. Further, past performance is not indicative of future results.

Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training.