
Tutorial: Navigating the Overview Page

May 10, 2023

Note: Specific investments described herein do not represent all investment decisions made by Global Predictions. The reader should not assume that investment decisions identified and discussed were or will be profitable. Specific investment advice references provided herein are for illustrative purposes only and are not necessarily representative of investments that will be made in the future.

Here's a short tutorial to give you a glance at the Overview page, the first screen you see after you sign up or log in to your account. Very useful information to get your portfolio improvement process started.


We wanted to help individuals cut through the noise of markets, price changes, news, and everything else that's going on in the world. The Overview page is meant to be a very simple landing page for your portfolio management, to get oriented and then dive into trying to make your portfolio even better.

This includes your Portfolio Score, total net worth, recommendations, forecasted returns, expected portfolio performance, and exposures. This view helps visualize what has happened and what is likely to happen to your portfolio, and gives you a Quick Actions bar to navigate to the right places across the rest of the product.

The Overview page - central landing spot to see your entire portfolio

Portfolio Score

The Portfolio Score is a quick way to understand how your portfolio is doing. This score combines your personal investment preferences, risk & returns, and macro exposure as a guide for portfolio improvement. The three components of the Portfolio Score are:

  • Risk Match - Current portfolio risk compared to your preferred risk profile
  • Risk-adjusted Return - Expected performance over portfolio risk (calculated as the Sharpe Ratio)
  • Downside Protection - Protection against possible scenarios of extreme stress and other sources of uncertainty (i.e. tail risk)

Read more here.

Your Portfolio Score, the Score change over the last month, and how well you're doing relative to all other users

Portfolio Score components, click "Improve score" to dive in to Analysis & Recommendations

Net Worth

Your Net Worth card shows your aggregated net worth across all securities & crypto accounts, real estate, private equity, and cash. Click "See net worth breakdown" to see this composition.

Net Worth, including the change over the last month

Forecasted Returns

Using the Global Predictions forecasting system, an estimate of 12 month returns for your entire portfolio are calculated. Read more about the forecasting system here. Click on "See individual securities" to get details for each item and the model assumptions for each security.

Forecasted 12-month portfolio returns

Expected performance

This chart allows you to see your portfolio's historical performance, plus a projection of how the portfolio is expected to perform over the next 12 months. The blue shaded area represents the 1-sigma distribution of forecasted outcomes, and the metrics at the bottom are a snapshot of your returns, risk, and Sharpe Ratio (i.e. a metric indicating risk-adjusted returns).

Historical + forecasted portfolio performance

Portfolio returns over last 30 days

This is a great visualization of all the assets in your portfolio, across your entire net worth. The size of the boxes represent the weight in your portfolio, while the colors signify the magnitude of the gains/losses over the last 30 days. As you can see, this portfolio did not do particularly well this last month...

Previous 30 days of gains & losses

Portfolio exposure

These pie charts indicate the exposure of your portfolio broken down by country, sector, and by holdings. Toggle to "Risk" to view your portfolio exposures in risk space to better understand how concentrated your portfolio might be - this feature is an incredible lens that professional portfolio managers often use to look at portfolio diversification.

Tip: the "By holdings" chart breaks down the funds that you hold into their constituent components as part of a "look-through" analysis so that you can see aggregated exposure to individual companies.

Portfolio exposure broken down by country, sector, and holdings

Quick Actions bar

Use the Quick Actions bar to access useful tools and views to improve your portfolio. Click the drop-down to switch between portfolio views, and use the icons as follows:

View - See in more detail what is in the currently selected portfolio

Optimize - Open the Portfolio Optimizer, an easy-to-use powerful tool to reweight your portfolio to optimize your risk-adjusted returns

Copy - Click to copy your current portfolio view into a draft portfolio so that you can add recommendations, remove low performers, and adjust your weights to create a better portfolio

Get Order - creates an "Order Execution List", a list of trades to execute in order to bring your current portfolio up to date with your selected draft portfolio

Quick Actions bar for easy access to tools and views to improve your portfolio

To see what PortfolioPilot can do for you and your portfolio, sign up for free today

Premium plans start at $29/mo

General Disclosures
This website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer of investment management or investment advisory services by Global Predictions, Inc. (“Global Predictions”), and may not be relied upon in connection with any offer or sale of securities or other assets. Nothing on the website is intended to be, and you should not consider anything on the website to be, investment, accounting, tax or legal advice.

The contents of the website may contain forward-looking statements that are based on management’s beliefs, assumptions, current expectations, estimates, and projections about the financial industry, the economy, Global Predictions itself or its investments. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of the underlying expected actions or future performance and future results may differ significantly from those anticipated by the forward-looking statements. Therefore, actual results and outcomes may materially differ from what may be expressed or forecasted in such forward-looking statements. All expressions of opinions are subject to change without notice. Inherent in any investment is the risk of loss. Further, past performance is not indicative of future results.

Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training.